Friday, June 11, 2010

3rd Language

A week working at The Mines (READ Malaysia) , there were many Chinese who came . And they were talking mandarin all day long . And it somehow made me think , 'what if i learn their language ?' It seems cool acting like u don't understand but yet you do . Since Chinese are one of the largest population in Malaysia , i might as well learn their language ! And maybe Japanese and Arab would be nice . Hmmm

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A week to remember

Man , seriously la . I'm freaking tired of working . Yes , i love the money . But i just can't keep up with this . After this is all over , I'm gonna quit what i am doing now and just work in the Center . Working for READ Malaysia is awesome but at the end of the day , you only have few moments to have fun before you hit the bed . So basicly i can category myself as a 'No life' type of person . For this week only , my room is in havoc . Dan dan time ni almari aku patah . Macam dodol . So , i bought a new one and i seriously have no time deciding which clothes to put in . And now my room has many stupid stuff from the kitchen . My family is using my room to clear the hall and stuff and yeah , my room is the victim la as usual . Hmm . Abaikan ! I seriously need a VACATION .
@ READ Malaysia , The Mines

Monday, June 7, 2010

Awesome games in December !

Star Wars Force Unleashed 2

When i log in to I saw this ! IT IS FREAKING AWESOME !!!! Man ! The first was superb . now the second has this dark environment in it . Kinda like Tim Burton's version . Haha . And does this guy look slimmer and even more badass looking ? HAHA . Freakin hell . And another game made my jaw dropped is this ! Nuff said !

God of War: Ghost of Sparta

Hectic and Rewards

I am so TIRED working ! I was sent to READ Malaysia to promo Petrosains . Guess what ! I have to work there everyday ! Gila gangbang ! HAHA . But after all the hardwork i know i am highly paid . Can't wait for that day ! Hehe . READ Malaysia ain't that happening compared to Smart Kids in PWTC . It has a sad environment . And i don't know why . But suprisingly , there has been many visitors becoming a member in Petrosains . Haha . I think , after i update all the information from the Membership sign ups i wanna go blast myself into space and enjoy my time ! I F*#king need that ! A RETREAT ! HAHAHA .

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Prince of Persia - My point of view

Gabungan yang mantap antara Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed . Dengan Princess/Io yang hot gitu . I LIKE ! HAHAHA . Quote yang aku minat adalah "We are not sacred (Kita tidak lagi suci)" and "I believe this wont be our last to meet, Princess !" HAHA . Overall it is a good movie ! 4 Stars for yah ! Go Jake Gyllenhaal(Eellenhoolay) HAHAHA

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Enter the Taffman

What am i ? I'm weird ! HAHAHA . Ok let's break it down . Aku jenis yang berlawak sampai aku rasa diri aku dah macam stupid stupid cute jambu batu separa air . HAHA . But at times , kalau aku lepak sesorang dalam bilik ke ape i tend to get serious . That is where i get all my crazy ideas bout life and what to do bout it . Deep down i know i am ready to face maturity as i am well prepared for this . If u see me joking and stuff it is just the outer me . The inner me is different . I kinda have a wide range mind only when i think seriously . Yes i can give advices , motivation , suggestion , ideas or being understanding . I can help people to stand on their feet and face the harsh life ! But , i still haven't got the chance to show it . Because , i have seniors who are wiser than me . I will only help if a person has no other option and making me their last resort . I will be honored to help as much as possible . Am i getting soft now ? HAHAHA . Wattaya want from me ! HAHAHAHA . So , you may see me as a goofy person or a childish guy who has not had enough with his childhood , but if something goes wrong , i will gladly be the serious guy that u want me to be . Jap . Aku dah melalut . Aku tak paham apa aku cakap . HAHAHAHAHA . Damn you ballgazers ! HAHAHA

Taffman - In the making !

Taff . When you hear that word it makes u feel that your abs is hard rock ! HAHA What the hell ? It all began one day i kept saying that my tummy has 6 packs . Reality , not even one ! HAHA . So in my weird mind , if i say that i am Taff all the time it will somehow motivates me to get slimer and Taffer ! I hope . HAHA . And suddenly i had this wild idea of a superhero called Taffman . I even made a story out of it . Who knows if one day i'm gonna be a Director , i think i might produce this . HAHAHAHA . I love ideas ! So, for now i think i'll stick with Putra Taffman because it sounds catchy . And WOW to Fatin , she screamed Taffman so loud during VAD . Cheers to her ! One day the world knows who is Taffman ! Jeng Jeng Jeng ! HAHAHAHA